Monday 28 October 2013

Quotable Quotes

                                            Quotable Quotes

* "Beware of too much sweetness."
- Abraham Lincoln

* "Television is for appearing on, not looking at!"
-Noel Coward

* "Victory finds a hundred fathers,but defeat is an orphan."
- Galeazzo Ciano

* "A quitter never wins and a winner never quits."

* "Sucess can not be assured it has to be attained."

* "Vision without action is a daydream and action without vision is a nightmare."

* "There is always a way to go if you look for it."

* "If you think today is bad then tomorrow will be even worse."

* "There is no point in opening the umbrella before it starts raining."

* "A man can be destroyed but not defeated."
- Ernest Hemingway